How to Auto-Publish Podcasts to Youtube in 10 Simple Steps

Gaurav Yadav
November 6, 2023

Table of Content

I. Introduction
a) Definition of podcast and YouTube
b) Why you may want to auto-publish your podcast to YouTube
II. Benefits of auto-publishing your podcast to YouTube
a) Increase visibility and reach for your podcast
b) The convenience of having your podcast available on multiple platforms
c) Potential for monetization through YouTube advertising
III. How to auto-publish your podcast to YouTube
a) Setting up a YouTube account and channel
b) Connecting your podcast feed to YouTube
c) Choosing your auto-publishing options
IV. Tips for maximizing the success of your auto-published podcast on YouTube
a) Optimizing your video titles and descriptions for SEO
b) Using appropriate tags and keywords
c) Utilizing YouTube's video editing and annotation features
d) Promoting your YouTube channel through social media and other marketing channels
V. Conclusion
a) Recap of the benefits and steps for auto-publishing your podcast to YouTube
b) Encouragement to try auto-publishing as a way to expand the reach and impact of your podcast


Podcasting has become an increasingly popular way for people to share their thoughts, ideas, and stories with a wider audience. And with the rise of platforms like YouTube, it's easier than ever to share your podcast with a wider audience. If you're a podcast creator, you may be wondering whether you should consider auto-publishing your podcast to YouTube. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of auto-publishing your podcast to YouTube, as well as how to do it.

A podcast is a digital audio file that is available online for download or streaming. Podcasts are typically episodic, with each episode covering a specific topic or theme. Podcasts can be listened to on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers.

YouTube is a video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, share, and view videos. YouTube is available on a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers, and it is one of the most popular websites in the world. Users can watch and share a wide range of videos on YouTube, including music videos, movie trailers, educational videos, and more.

Benefits of auto-publishing your podcast to YouTube

One of the biggest benefits of auto-publishing your podcast to YouTube is that it can help increase the visibility and reach of your podcast. YouTube is a massive platform with billions of users, so by publishing your podcast on YouTube, you have the potential to reach a much larger audience than you would on traditional audio platforms like Apple Podcasts or Spotify. This can be especially beneficial if you're just starting out with your podcast and are trying to build an audience.

Another benefit of auto-publishing your podcast to YouTube is the convenience of having your content available on multiple platforms. This can make it easier for your audience to access and consume your content, especially for those who prefer to watch and listen to their podcasts rather than just listen to them. This can also be helpful if you have listeners who may not have access to traditional audio platforms, or who prefer to consume content on YouTube.

How to auto-publish your Podcast to YouTube

If you're interested in auto-publishing your podcast to YouTube, Follow the steps given below.

Step -1 After Logging into your Adori Video profile, Go to Account Settings.

Adori video account setting setup

Step -2 To Automate Auto-Publishing on Youtube, you have to integrate your account with your profile. In the authentication section, click on Sign in with google. Choose between your Channels and Allow the Access request.

Connecting Youtube to Adori

Step -3 Go back to Home and Click on Import podcast.

Importing Podcast

Step -4 Paste the RSS feed of your podcast to search for it. Select the Podcast to Import.

RSS feed import

Step -5 Click on choose Show to Select the Podcast you just imported.

Short wave podcast

Step -6 Go to the three-dot menu and click on add auto-publish.

Enabling Autopublish for Podcast

Step -7 Here you can customize your Podcast parameters and decide whether you want to post full duration, or you can set the custom duration. Also, you can select the resolution, whether you want to publish the video as landscape or portrait.

Resizing Video

If you want to add the Audiograms to your video, Click on Enhance. You can choose between premade templates or can make a new one by clicking on New Audiogram.

Step -8 Click on the little pen icon, here you can set the Default settings for youtube videos.

Setting For youtube Publishing

Step -9 The Title and Description will be imported from the RSS feed, so you don't have to do it manually. Other than this, you can add keywords, and change Privacy and the category of the video. Click on Save to record all the changes.

Default Podcast Settings

Step -10 Now you just have to click on start auto-publish and that's it. All your upcoming episodes will be published on youtube.

Auto publishing setup completed

Tips for maximizing the success of your Auto-published podcast on YouTube

There are a few other things you can do to maximize the success of your auto-published podcast on YouTube. One important tip is to optimize your video titles and descriptions for SEO. This means using keywords and phrases that people are likely to search for when looking for podcasts like yours. You should also use appropriate tags and keywords to help your videos show up in relevant search results.

Another tip is to use YouTube's video editing and annotation features to make your videos more engaging and interactive. For example, you can add annotations to your videos that allow viewers to click through to other videos or subscribe to your channel. You can also use YouTube's video editor to trim and splice your videos, or to add visual elements like images and graphics.

Finally, don't forget to promote your YouTube channel through social media and other marketing channels. Share links to your videos on your social media accounts, and consider using paid advertising to reach a wider audience.


In conclusion, auto-publishing your podcast to YouTube can be a great way to expand the reach and impact of your podcast. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily set up auto-publishing for your podcast and start reaching a wider audience on YouTube.

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Gaurav Yadav
Gaurav is the SEO/video Editor/Marketing Consultant at Adori Labs. He is most interested in Web3, Blockchain, Podcast and AI startups.
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